Since the tragic and heartbreaking death of actor Paul Walker, i have been trying hard not to read or write about it because each time i see headlines with his name written on it, i choke and tears filled up my eyes. And to think he survived the accident but was burnt to death is even worse to swallow.
If you are an american film addict like me, you would understand what it means to put yourself in an actor's character. In Fast and Furious, he was my favorite character and i so love putting myself in his shoes in all of his scenes. His smile was always contagious and even though i never met him in real life, i loved his person. In some of his random/caught off guard interviews, one would understand he is a real and down to earth person who never failed to smile with his eyes. I never met him and i'm so heartbroken over his death, i just can't imagine what his friends, family, girlfriend and daughter must have been going through. I so wish he cheated death in real life just like he did in his movies. May the soul of this wonderful angel who unknowingly touched so many lives rest in peace!
Meanwhile, I almost died yesterday but thanks to the giver of life, I'm still here and by his grace, I'm gonna be here for a very long time.
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